PLACE: Haslum, Norway AREA: 2.100 m2 YEAR: 2024 CLIENT: Bærum kommune TYPE: Crematorium STATUS: Open international competition, proposal COLLABORATORS: Jæger/Brudvik arkitekter TEAM: Audun Hellemo/Kristin Hilde, Siri Jæger Brudvik
SCALE (small>large)
STATUS (idea>built)
Proposal for extension of the existing Haslum Crematorium designed by John Engh in 1962. The original design features two enclosed gardens as backdrops for the ceremonial spaces; to minimize impact on the existing structure the proposal introduces a new underground water garden as the backdrop for the new visitor space, accessed from a new pavilion tucked in between the existing concrete walls. In this way, the new visitor experience is a completely new spatial experience where view, reflections and light create an ambigious and abstract space, while still relating strongly to the concepts of the original design.
Plan 1 – alterations to original plan shown in blue
Plan U1 – alterations to original plan shown in blue
Section showing the new water garden and entrance pavilion (left) in relation to the existing structure (right)