PLACE: Haslum, Norway AREA: 2.100 m2 YEAR: 2024 CLIENT: Bærum kommune TYPE: Crematorium extension STATUS: Open international competition, proposal COLLABORATORS: Jæger/Brudvik arkitekter TEAM: Audun Hellemo/Kristin Hilde, Siri Jæger Brudvik
SCALE (small>large)
STATUS (idea>built)
Proposal for extension of the existing Haslum Crematorium designed by John Engh in 1962. The new visitor facilities are connected to the existing visitor path and the welcoming canopy, and adds new spaces on the outside of the existing retaining walls facing the cemetary. The addition follows the simple material palette and structural formalism as the original design; blending seamlessly into the setting. In this way, a new experience is added with very limited impact on the existing facilities. The new spaces look both inwards – to the new cremation ovens – and outwards to the greenery outside, reflecting the dual nature of the ceremony; one both filled with sadness and introspection, as well as hope and a new, brighter future.
Plan 1
Plan U1
Section showing the new visitor facilities (left) in relation to the existing building (right)